Web: http://www.canaanbogbouncers.zoomshare.com/0.html
Contact: [email protected]
207-399-3345 on weekdays 1:30pm to 8:00pm and on weekends anytime.
This is a Maine ITS trail up North. We hope soon our trails will look as nice.
Well we got the groomers out and groomed all the trails, they are very nice. We have recently had a truck brake down. We still have the Blazer. We will contuine to groom throught the week. ride safe ride smart.
Last week we purchased a 2001 GMC extn. cab truck. It is in vey good condition. Hopefully we can get good use out of this one like the last one.
We recently put on all the other parts from the old truck on this truck. So now as I write the other truck is geting worked on to be ready for the weekend grooming session.