Web: http://www.derrypathfinders.org/
Contact: [email protected]
Derry Pathfinders Snowmobile Club is located in Derry, NH.
We are a proud 40+ year member of the New Hampshire Snowmobile Association. Our Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from September through April at the Alexander-Carr Playground Pierce Ave, (behind Parkland Hospital) Derry NH. at 7:30 PM, (unless otherwise noted)
Club dues are $25.00 (single or family) which includes your membership to the NHSA.
Derry Pathfinders Snowmobile Safety Course
Saturday December 7th 9:00am – 4:00pm
Parents are encouraged to attend the class with their child(ren).
Bring a bag lunch or eat at any local eatery.
To sign-up contact the Derry Rec at 603-432-6136 Mon – Fri 8am-4pm