Interstate SnoGoers


Facebook: Interstate Snogoers

Contact: +1 207-935-7669

[email protected]


We are the Interstate Snogoers Snowmobile Club based in Fryeburg, Maine. The club has been in existence since the early 1970’s. We serve the western mountain region of Maine.

Our club works for all snowmobilers in this area. We coordinate with local landowners for trail access. We take pride in maintaining many trails with our groomers including ITS 80, but we cannot do it without your help. If you live in the area or have a vacation home here, please support us by joining our club or sending us a donation. Please support our generous Business Members whenever possible.

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing and maintaining groomed snowmobile trails in Fryeburg Maine.

MONTHLY MEETING second Thurs. of every month, 7 pm at the Fryeburg Fire Station September thru April.

We are in danger of losing many trails in our area. So it is very important for ALL snowmobilers to stay on the marked trails and be respectful of landowners. Remember that we only ride through their generosity. Before you head out on the trails, please check our Trail Reports for current conditions. You can get a trail map from many local businesses or by contacting the club. Ride Right, Ride Smart: Ride sober. Ride to the right. Ride at a reasonable speed. Use hand signals. Ride defensively.