West Dover, Vermont 5356

Mount Snow is a mountain and ski area in southern Vermont located in the Green Mountains. It is Vermont’s closest big mountain to many Northeast metropolitan areas. It was co-host of the first Extreme Games in 1995 and host of the Winter X-Games in 2000 and 2001. It is currently owned byPeak Resorts.
The mountain is within the Green Mountain National Forest and operates under a special use permit from the U.S. Forest Service.
The resort is operated by Peak Resorts, which bought it along with Attitash, in February 2007.
Mount Snow is home to the East Coast’s first All Park Mountain Face by creating Carinthia at Mount Snow, which debuted in the 2008-2009 season. Carinthia is home to eight parks and two pipes (10′ & 18′) with both natural and man made features. Carinthia has been rated as one of the East Coast’s Top 5 Terrain Parks.