Mar 5, 2014 | Attitash, New Hampshire
The final week for points is in the books. Another beautiful day with cold temps and fast times. I hope you all enjoyed this season as much as we did. We will take a week off and then come back for our head to head dual course so be ready. Thanks for another great race league season.
Feb 13, 2014 | Attitash, New Hampshire
We went back to GS, we went back to sunshine and we went back to good times. ARL is cruising along.
Feb 5, 2014 | Attitash, New Hampshire
Another beautiful day, another beautiful slalom course and snow is on the way. Great times here at Attitash Mountain Resort. See you in Ptarmigan’s!
Jan 29, 2014 | Attitash, New Hampshire
Today the sun came out strong and lit up our extended course from Highway down. Everyone loved the longer run and is excited about going back to a slalom course next week. Hope to see you there.
Jan 22, 2014 | Attitash, New Hampshire
As promised the week three slalom course was awesome. The cold temps allowed for some fast times for all. When you get off the slopes head to the apres scene in Ptarmigan’s Pub and enjoy. Hope to see you next Tuesday!