Game of Shred! Ski Butternut Sponsor Video!

Game of SHRED

When: February 23, 2013
Where: The Twisted Terrain Park at Ski Butternut
Who: 15 Skiers under 12 years of age
15 Snowboarders under 12 years of age
30 Skiers over 12 years of age
30 Snowboarders over 12 years of age

Registration: 8am — 10:30am at the Park Shack
Start time: 11:00am at the top of the Twisted Terrain Park
Finals: 2pm- 4pm
Awards: 4pm at Smith Tent

3 For 3 Jam 1.3 2014 At Ski Butternut

3 for 3 Jam

Is a combination of 3 awesome ideas!

1. Break the mold of typical runs in a contest.

2. Making competition more FUN vs. serious.

3. Creativity in riding/ skiing.

With that being said we hope to have your attention! 3 for 3 Jam is going to run over 3 hours on 3 different features throughout Twisted Terrain Park. There will be divisions of discipline, but there will be winners at each feature. This is to help cut down on people being discouraged away from contests due to features and other contestants. So if you’re a rail rider you can just hit the rail in the 3 for 3 Jam and try to place on the rail feature or vice versa with jump riders. The features will be announced a couple of days before the contest, with differences between the features. Might be a jump, a rail, a box or Rainbow log, spine, and hip, it will change for every 3 for 3 Jam. It’s a 3 hour jam so you have enough time to hike a feature or lap with your friends; you also get as many tricks in as you want on the features in 3 hours. That’s a lot of riding time to have fun and push yourself against your friends. Think slope style with more runs and winners for each feature. We will have a judge at each feature to catch your tricks.

Andy Parry Talks Ski Butternut

Andy Parry came down to Ski Butternut on Jan. 11, 2014 for a Tell a Friend Tour Stop! He came with a crew of friends rode all day in the rain with 30- 40 Ski Butternut freestyle skiers to stoke them out! Awesome time had by all despite the weather and handed out tons of prizes while eating free pizza with the kids. He and his crew liked our park so much that they came back to film a Line Traveling Circus episode for Line Skis website on Jan. 15, 2014! Heres what he had to say.

Photos are up on our site and the video will soon follow! Big thanks to Andy and his friends! .. Bruce